NPN 2N5671 – 2N5672 HIGH CURRENT FAST SWITCHING APPLICATIONS The 2N5671 and 2N5672 are silicon multiepitaxial planer NPN transistors in Jedec TO-3. They are especially intended for high current, fast switching industrial applications. Compliance to RoHS. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol Ratings VCEO Collector-Emitter Voltage VCBO Collector-Base Voltage VEBO Emitter-Base Voltage VCER Collector-Emitter Voltage Collector-Emitter Voltage IC Collector Current IB Base Current VCEX PD VEB = -1.5V REB = 50 Ω REB <= 50 Ω Total Device Dissipation @ TC = 25° TJ Junction Temperature TStg Storage Temperature Value 2N5671 2N5672 2N5671 2N5672 2N5671 2N5672 2N5671 2N5672 2N5671 2N5672 2N5671 2N5672 2N5671 2N5672 2N5671 2N5672 2N5671 2N5672 2N5671 2N5672 Unit 90 120 120 150 V V 7.0 V 120 150 110 140 V V 30 A 10 A 140 W 200 °C -65 to +200 °C Value Unit 1.25 °C/W THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS Symbol RthJC Ratings Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case 09/11/2012 COMSET SEMICONDUCTORS 1|4 NPN 2N5671 – 2N5672 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS TC=25°C unless otherwise noted Symbol VCEO(SUS) VCER(SUS) VCEX(SUS) Ratings Test Condition(s) Collector-Emitter Sustaining Voltage (*) Collector-Emitter Sustaining Voltage (*) Collector-Emitter Sustaining Voltage (*) IC=200 mA, IB=0 IC=0.2 A, RBE=50Ω IC=0.2 A , VBE=-1.5V RBE=50Ω Collector Cutoff Current VCE=80 V ICEX Collector Cutoff Current VCE=110 V, VEB=-1.5 V VCE=135 V, VEB=-1.5 V VCE=100 V, VEB=-1.5 V TC=150°C IEBO Emitter Cutoff Current VBE=7.0 V, IC=0 ICEO IC=15 A, VCE=2.0 V hFE DC Current Gain (*) IC=20 A, VCE=5.0 V VCE(SAT) VBE(SAT) VBE fT Is/b Es/b CBO Collector-Emitter saturation Voltage (*) Base-Emitter saturation Voltage (*) Base-Emitter Voltage (*) IC=15 A, IB=1.2 A IC=15 A, IB=1.2 A IC=15 A, VCE=5.0 V Transition frequency VCE=10 V, IC=2 A Second Breakdown energy (**) Second Breakdown energy Collector-Base Capacitance VCE=24 V VCE=45 V VBE=-4 V, RBE=20Ω L=180µH IE= 0, VCB= 10 V f = 1MHz 2N5671 2N5672 2N5671 2N5672 2N5671 2N5672 2N5671 2N5672 2N5671 2N5672 2N5671 2N5672 2N5671 2N5672 2N5671 2N5672 2N5671 2N5672 2N5671 2N5672 2N5671 2N5672 2N5671 2N5672 2N5671 2N5672 2N5671 2N5672 2N5671 2N5672 2N5671 2N5672 Min Typ Max Unit -- -- V -- -- V -- -- V - - 10 mA - - 12 10 15 10 mA - - 10 mA 20 - 100 20 - - - - 0.75 - - 1.5 - - 1.6 V 50 - - MHz 5.8 0.9 - - 20 - - mJ - - 900 pF 90 120 110 140 120 150 - V 09/11/2012 COMSET SEMICONDUCTORS 2|4 A NPN 2N5671 – 2N5672 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS TC=25°C unless otherwise noted Symbol ton ts tf Ratings Turn-on time Storage time File time Test Condition(s) IC=15 A , VCC=30 V IB1 = -IB2 =1.2 A 2N5671 2N5672 2N5671 2N5672 2N5671 2N5672 Min Typ Max - - 0.5 - - 1.5 - - 0.5 (*) Pulse Width ≈ 300 µs, Duty Cycle =1.5% (**) Pulsed : 1 s, non repetitive pulse 09/11/2012 COMSET SEMICONDUCTORS 3|4 Unit µs NPN 2N5671 – 2N5672 MECHANICAL DATA CASE TO-3 DIMENSIONS (mm) A B C D E G N P R U V min 11 0.97 1.5 8.32 19 10.70 16.50 25 3.84 38.50 29.90 Pin 1 : Pin 2 : Case : typ - max 13.10 1.15 1.65 8.92 22 11.1 17.20 27,20 4.21 40.13 30.40 Base Emitter Collector Revised October 2012 Information furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, Comset Semiconductors assumes no responsibility for the consequences of use of such information nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may results from its use. Data are subject to change without notice. Comset Semiconductors makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does Comset Semiconductors assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation consequential or incidental damages. Comset Semiconductors’ products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems. 09/11/2012 COMSET SEMICONDUCTORS 4|4