SFT5094 and SFT5096 Series Solid State Devices, Inc. 14701 Firestone Blvd * La Mirada, CA 90638 Phone: (562) 404-7855 * Fax: (562) 404-1773 ssdi@ssdi-power.com * www.ssdi-power.com 1 AMP, 500 Volts High Voltage PNP Transistor DESIGNER’S DATA SHEET Part Number / Ordering Information 1/ SFT5094 SFT5096 __ __ 2/ __ = No Screening │ └ Screening │ TX = TX Level │ TXV = TXV Level │ S = S Level │ │ │ └ Package 3/ -4 = 4 Pin CLCC /5 = TO-5 G = CERPACK S22 = SMD.22 Features: BVCER to 500 Volts Low Leakage at High Temperature High Linear Gain, Low Saturation Voltage 200oC Operating Temperature Gold Eutectic Die Attach TX, TXV, S-Level Screening Available Designed for Complementary Use with SFT5015 Replacement for 2N5094 and 2N5096 with Lower Thermal Resistance Available with TO-5, Cerpack, CLCC, and SMD.22 Cases 4/ Symbol SFT5094 SFT5096 Units VCEO VCER 350 450 400 500 Volts Volts Collector – Base Voltage VCBO 450 500 Volts Emitter – Base Voltage VEBO 6 Volts IC 1.0 Amps IB 0.5 Amps PD 1.0 0.4 5.7 Watts Watts mW /ºC TJ & TSTG -65 to +200 ºC R0JC 175 30 9 9 ºC/W ºC/W ºC/W R0JA 440 --440 440 ºC/W ºC/W ºC/W Maximum Ratings Collector – Emitter Voltage (RBE = 1kΩ) Collector Current Base Current Total Power Dissipation (TC = 25ºC) (TA = 25ºC) Derate above TC = 25ºC Operating & Storage Temperature Maximum Thermal Resistance (Junction to Case) 4 Pin CLCC TO-5 CERPACK SMD.22 Maximum Thermal Resistance (Junction to Ambient) 4 Pin CLCC TO-5 CERPACK SMD.22 4 Pin CLCC (-4) NOTES: TO-5 (/5) CERPACK (G) SMD.22 (S22) 1/ For Ordering Information, Price, Operating Curves, and Availability Contact Factory. 2/ Screened to MIL-PRF-19500. 3/ For Package Outlines, See Figure 1. 4/ Unless Otherwise Specified, Maximum Ratings/Electrical Characteristics at 25°C. NOTE: All specifications are subject to change without notification. SCD's for these devices should be reviewed by SSDI prior to release. DATA SHEET #: TR0081E DOC SFT5094 and SFT5096 Solid State Devices, Inc. Series 14701 Firestone Blvd * La Mirada, CA 90638 Phone: (562) 404-7855 * Fax: (562) 404-1773 ssdi@ssdi-power.com * www.ssdi-power.com Electrical Characteristics 4/ Symbol Collector – Emitter Breakdown Voltage * Min SFT5094 Volts SFT5096 BVCEO 350 400 –– (IC = 100 μA, RBE = 1k Ω) BVCER 450 500 –– (IC = 100 μA) BVCBO 450 500 –– Volts (IE = 50 µA) BVEBO 6 –– Volts (VCB = Rated, TA = 25°C) (VCB = Rated, TA = 100°C) ICBO1 ICBO2 –– –– 1.0 50 µA (VEB = 6 V) IEBO –– 1.0 µA (IC = 1 mA, VCE = 10 V) (IC = 25 mA, VCE = 10 V) (IC = 100 mA, VCE = 10 V) HFE 20 40 20 250 300 250 Emitter – Base Breakdown Voltage Emitter Cutoff Current DC Current Gain * Units (IC = 5 mA) Collector – Base Breakdown Voltage * Collector Cutoff Current Max Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage * (IC = 25 mA, IB = 2.5 mA) VCE (SAT) –– 500 mV Base-Emitter Saturation Voltage (IC = 25 mA, IB = 2.5 mA) VBE (SAT) –– 1.0 Volts fT 25 –– MHz Current Gain Bandwidth Product * (IC = 10 mA, VCE = 10 V, f = 10 MHz) Output Capacitance VCB = 20 V, IE = 0 A, f = 1.0MHz Cob –– 10 pF Turn on Delay Time Rise Time Storage Time Fall Time VCC= 100 V IC= 100 mA IB1 = IB2 = 10 mA Td Tr Ts tf –– –– –– –– 500 1200 2.0 500 ns ns μs ns Notes: * Pulse Test: Pulse Width = 300 μs. Duty Cycle = 2%. 1/ For Ordering Information, Price, Operating Curves, and Availability Contact Factory. 2/ Screened to MIL-PRF-19500. 3/ For Package Outlines, See Figure 1. 4/ Unless Otherwise Specified, Maximum Ratings/Electrical Characteristics at 25°C. NOTE: All specifications are subject to change without notification. SCD's for these devices should be reviewed by SSDI prior to release. Package PIN ASSIGNMENT (Standard) Collector Emitter 4 Pin CLCC (-4) TO-5 (/5) CERPACK (G) SMD.22 Pin 1 Pin 3 CASE Pin 1 DATA SHEET #: TR0081E Pin 2 Pin 1 Pin 1 Pin 2 Base Pin 3 Pin 2 Pin 2 Pin 3 DOC SFT5094 and SFT5096 Solid State Devices, Inc. Series 14701 Firestone Blvd * La Mirada, CA 90638 Phone: (562) 404-7855 * Fax: (562) 404-1773 ssdi@ssdi-power.com * www.ssdi-power.com FIGURE 1 – CASE OUTLINES 4 Pin CLCC (-4): CERPACK (G): TO-5 (/5): SMD.22 (S22): NOTE: All specifications are subject to change without notification. SCD's for these devices should be reviewed by SSDI prior to release. DATA SHEET #: TR0081E DOC