Transistors IC SMD Type MOS Field Effect Transistors 2SK2479 TO-263 Unit: mm Low On-state Resistance:RDS(on)=7.5 max.(VGS=10V,ID=2.0A) Low Ciss Ciss=485pF TYP 1 .2 7 -0+ 0.1.1 Features +0.1 1.27-0.1 +0.2 4.57-0.2 5 .2 8 -0+ 0.2.2 +0.1 0.81-0.1 2.54 2.54 +0.2 -0.2 +0.1 5.08-0.1 1 5 .2 5 -0+ 0.2.2 0.1max +0.1 1.27-0.1 2 .5 4 -0+ 0.2.2 8 .7 -0+ 0.2.2 5 .6 0 High Avalanche Capability Ratings +0.2 0.4-0.2 1 Gate 2 Drain 3 Source Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta = 25 Parameter Symbol Rating Unit Drain to Source Voltage VDSS 900 V Gate to Source Voltage VGSS 30 V Drain Current(DC) ID(DS) 3 A 8 A Drain Current(pulse) *1 ID(pulse) Total Power Dissipation TA=25 PT 1.5 W 70 Total Power Dissipation TC=25 Channel Temperature Tch 150 Storage temperature Tstg -55 to +150 Single Avalanche Current *2 IAS 3 A Single Avalanche Energy *2 EAS 5.4 mJ *1. PW 10ìs,Dduty cycle 1%. *2.Starting Tch=25 ,RG=25Ù,VGS=20V 0 1 Transistors IC SMD Type 2SK2479 Electrical Characteristics Ta = 25 Parameter Testconditons Min RDS(on) VGS = 10 V, ID = 2.0 A Gate Cut-off Voltage VGS(off) VDS = 10 V, ID = 1 mA 2.5 0.8 Forward Transfer Admittance Yfs VDS = 20 V, ID = 2.0 A Drain Cut-off Current IDSS VDS = VDSS, VGS = 0 Gate Leakage Current IGSS VGS = Input Capacitance Ciss Output Capacitance Coss Feedback Capacitance Crss VDS = 10 V VGS = 0 f = 1 MHz Turn-on Delay Time td(on) Rise Time Turn-off Delay Time Fall Time tr td(off) tf Total Gate Charge Qg Gate-Source Charge Qgs Gate-Drain Charge 2 Symbol Drain to Source On-state Resistance Qgd Typ Max Unit 5.6 7.5 Ù 3.5 V 100 ìA S 100 30 V, VDS = 0 ID = 2.0 A VGS = 10 V VDD = 150 V RG = 10 Ù nA 485 pF 75 pF 10 pF 12 ns 5 ns 35 ns 8 ns ID = 3.0 A VDD = 450 V VGS = 10 V 17 3 nC 8 Diode Forward Voltage VF(S-D) IF = 3.0 A, VGS = 0 1.0 V Reverse Recovery Time trr 670 ns Reverse Recovery Charge Qrr IF = 3.0 A, VGS = 0 di/dt = 50 A/ ìs 3.0 ìC