DHG 20 I 1200 PA preliminary V RRM = I FAV = t rr = Sonic Fast Recovery Diode High Performance Fast Recovery Diode Low Loss and Soft Recovery Single Diode 1200 V 20 A 200 ns Part number DHG 20 I 1200 PA 3 1 Backside: cathode Features / Advantages: Applications: Package: ● Planar passivated chips ● Very low leakage current ● Very short recovery time ● Improved thermal behaviour ● Very low Irm-values ● Very soft recovery behaviour ● Avalanche voltage rated for reliable operation ● Soft reverse recovery for low EMI/RFI ● Low Irm reduces: - Power dissipation within the diode - Turn-on loss in the commutating switch ● Antiparallel diode for high frequency switching devices ● Antisaturation diode ● Snubber diode ● Free wheeling diode ● Rectifiers in switch mode power supplies (SMPS) ● Uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) ● Housing: TO-220 Conditions ●rIndustry standard outline ●rEpoxy meets UL 94V-0 ●rRoHS compliant Ratings Symbol Definition VRRM max. repetitive reverse voltage IR reverse current VF forward voltage I FAV average forward current VF0 threshold voltage rF slope resistance thermal resistance junction to case T VJ virtual junction temperature Ptot total power dissipation I FSM max. forward surge current I RM max. reverse recovery current CJ junction capacitance IXYS reserves the right to change limits, conditions and dimensions. © 2011 IXYS all rights reserved max. Unit V VR = 1200 V 30 µA VR = 1200 V TVJ = 125 °C 0.4 mA IF = 20 A TVJ = 25 °C 2.24 V IF = 40 A 2.90 V IF = 20 A IF = 40 A rectangular TVJ = 125 °C d = 0.5 2.25 V 3.17 V TC = 95°C 20 A TVJ = 150°C 1.25 V 45 mΩ 0.90 K/W 150 °C TC = 25 °C 140 W TVJ = 45°C 150 A -55 t = 10 ms (50 Hz), sine IF = reverse recovery time typ. 1200 for power loss calculation only R thJC t rr min. TVJ = 25 °C TVJ = 25 °C 20 A; VR = 600 V -di F /dt = 400 A/µs VR = 600 V; f = 1 MHz TVJ = 25 °C 15 A TVJ = 125°C 20 A TVJ = 25 °C 200 ns TVJ = 125°C 350 ns TVJ = 25 °C 8 pF Data according to IEC 60747and per diode unless otherwise specified 20110616a DHG 20 I 1200 PA preliminary Ratings Symbol Definition Conditions per terminal I RMS RMS current R thCH thermal resistance case to heatsink Tstg storage temperature min. typ. max. Unit 35 0.50 -55 Weight 150 2 MD mounting torque FC mounting force with clip A K/W °C g 0.4 0.6 Nm 20 60 N Product Marking Part number Marking on product Logo DateCode Assembly Code D H G 20 I 1200 PA abcdef YYWW Z = = = = = = = Diode Sonic Fast Recovery Diode extreme fast Current Rating [A] Single Diode Reverse Voltage [V] TO-220AC (2) XXXXXX Assembly Line Ordering Standard Ordering Number DHG 20 I 1200 PA Similar Part DHG20I1200HA IXYS reserves the right to change limits, conditions and dimensions. © 2011 IXYS all rights reserved Marking on Product DHG20I1200PA Package TO-247AD (2) Delivery Mode Tube Quantity 50 Code No. 504934 Voltage Class 1200 Data according to IEC 60747and per diode unless otherwise specified 20110616a DHG 20 I 1200 PA preliminary Outlines TO-220 Dim. Millimeter Min. Max. Inches Min. Max. A A1 A2 4.32 1.14 2.29 4.82 1.39 2.79 0.170 0.045 0.090 0.190 0.055 0.110 b b2 0.64 1.15 1.01 1.65 0.025 0.045 0.040 0.065 C D 0.35 14.73 0.56 16.00 0.014 0.580 0.022 0.630 E e H1 9.91 5.08 5.85 10.66 BSC 6.85 0.390 0.200 0.230 0.420 BSC 0.270 L L1 12.70 2.79 13.97 5.84 0.500 0.110 0.550 0.230 ØP Q 3.54 2.54 4.08 3.18 0.139 0.100 0.161 0.125 A A1 ØP H1 Q E D 4 3 L1 1 L 2x b2 2x b e C A2 IXYS reserves the right to change limits, conditions and dimensions. © 2011 IXYS all rights reserved Data according to IEC 60747and per diode unless otherwise specified 20110616a DHG 20 I 1200 PA preliminary 40 5 TVJ = 125°C VR = 600 V 30 4 40 A IF Qrr 20 3 [A] 20 A [µC] TVJ = 125°C 10 2 TVJ = 25°C 0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 10 A 1 200 3.0 300 VF [V] 400 500 600 700 diF /dt [A/µs] Fig. 1 Typ. Forward current versus VF Fig. 2 Typ. reverse recov.charge Qrr vs. di/dt 35 700 40 A TVJ = 125°C 30 TVJ = 125°C 600 VR = 600 V 20 A 25 VR = 600 V 500 10 A IRM 20 [A] 15 [ns] 300 10 200 5 100 trr 0 200 300 400 500 600 400 40 A 20 A 10 A 0 200 700 300 400 500 600 700 diF /dt [A/µs] diF /dt [A/µs] Fig. 3 Typ. peak reverse current IRM vs. di/dt Fig. 4 Typ. recovery time trr versus di/dt 1 1.4 TVJ = 125°C VR = 600 V 1.2 1.0 40 A Erec ZthJC 0.8 20 A [mJ] [K/W] 0.6 10 A 1 2 3 4 0.4 0.2 200 300 400 500 600 diF /dt [A/µs] Fig. 5 Typ. recovery energy Erec versus di/dt IXYS reserves the right to change limits, conditions and dimensions. © 2011 IXYS all rights reserved 700 0.1 0.001 0.01 0.1 Ri 0.231 0.212 0.19 0.267 ti 0.0005 0.004 0.02 0.15 1 10 tp [s] Fig. 6 Typ. transient thermal impedance Data according to IEC 60747and per diode unless otherwise specified 20110616a