STD5NE10 N - CHANNEL 100V - 0.32 Ω - 5A TO-251/TO-252 STripFET POWER MOSFET TYPE STD5NE10 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ V DSS R DS(o n) ID 100 V < 0.4 Ω 5 A TYPICAL RDS(on) = 0.32 Ω EXCEPTIONAL dv/dt CAPABILITY AVALANCHE TESTED 100% AVALANCHE TESTED APPLICATION ORIENTED CHARACTERIZATION ADD SUFFIX ”T4” FOR ORDERING IN TAPE & REEL 3 3 2 1 DESCRIPTION This Power MOSFET is the latest development of STMicroelectronics unique ”Single Feature Size” strip-based process. The resulting transistor shows extremely high packing density for low on-resistance, rugged avalanche characteristics and less critical alignment steps therefore a remarkable manufacturing reproducibility. IPAK TO-251 (Suffix ”-1”) 1 DPAK TO-252 (Suffix ”T4”) INTERNAL SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM APPLICATIONS ■ MOTOR CONTROL (DISK DRIVES, etc.) ■ DC-DC & DC-AC CONVERTERS ■ SYNCHRONOUS RECTIFICATION ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Symb ol V DS V DGR VGS Parameter Value Drain-source Voltage (VGS = 0) 100 V Drain- gate Voltage (R GS = 20 kΩ) 100 V ± 20 V 5 A Gate-source Voltage o ID Drain Current (continuous) at Tc = 25 C ID o I DM (•) P tot Drain Current (continuous) at Tc = 100 C 3.5 A Drain Current (pulsed) 20 A Total Dissipation at T c = 25 oC 25 W 0.17 W /o C 0.6 V/ns Derating F actor dv/dt( 1 ) T st g Tj Peak Diode Recovery voltage slope Storage T emperature Max. Operating Junction Temperature (•) Pulse width limited by safe operating area May 1999 Unit -65 to 175 o C 175 o C ( 1) ISD ≤ 5A, di/dt ≤ 200 A/µs, VDD ≤ V(BR)DSS, Tj ≤ TJMAX 1/9 STD5NE10 THERMAL DATA R thj -case R thj -amb R thc-sink Tl Thermal Resistance Junction-case Thermal Resistance Junction-ambient Thermal Resistance Case-sink Maximum Lead Temperature F or Soldering Purpose Max Max T yp o 6 100 1.5 275 C/W C/W o C/W o C o AVALANCHE CHARACTERISTICS Symbo l Parameter Max Value Unit IAR Avalanche Current, Repetitive or Not-Repetitive (pulse width limited by Tj max) 5 A E AS Single Pulse Avalanche Energy (starting Tj = 25 o C, ID = IAR , V DD = 30V) 25 mJ ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Tcase = 25 oC unless otherwise specified) OFF Symbo l V (BR)DSS Parameter Drain-source Breakdown Voltage Test Con ditions I D = 250 µA V GS = 0 I DSS V DS = Max Rating Zero Gate Voltage Drain Current (V GS = 0) V DS = Max Rating IGSS Gate-body Leakage Current (VDS = 0) Min. Typ. Max. 100 Unit V T c = 125 oC V GS = ± 20 V 1 10 µA µA ± 100 nA Max. Unit ON (∗) Symbo l Parameter Test Con ditions V GS(th) Gate Threshold Voltage V DS = V GS ID = 250 µA R DS(on) Static Drain-source On Resistance V GS = 10V ID = 2.5 A I D(o n) On State Drain Current V DS > ID(o n) x R DS(on )ma x V GS = 10 V Min. 2 Typ. 3 4 V 0.32 0.4 Ω 5 A DYNAMIC Symbo l g f s (∗) C iss C os s C rss 2/9 Parameter Test Con ditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit Forward Transconductance V DS > ID(o n) x R DS(on )ma x ID = 2.5 A 2.5 S Input Capacitance Output Capacitance Reverse Transfer Capacitance V DS = 25 V V GS = 0 305 45 21 pF pF pF f = 1 MHz STD5NE10 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued) SWITCHING ON Symbo l Parameter Test Con ditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit t d(on) tr Turn-on Delay T ime Rise Time V DD = 50 V I D = 3.5 A R G = 4.7 Ω V GS = 10 V (Resistive Load, see fig. 3) 6.5 15 Qg Q gs Q gd Total G ate Charge Gate-Source Charge Gate-Drain Charge V DD = 80 V ID = 5 A V GS = 10 V 14 6 4 18 nC nC nC Typ. Max. Unit ns ns SWITCHING OFF Symbo l Parameter Test Con ditions Min. t d(of f) tf Turn-off Delay T ime Fall T ime V DD = 50 V I D = 3.5 A V GS = 10 V R G = 4.7 Ω (Resistive Load, see fig. 3) 25 7 ns ns tr (Voff) tf tc Off-voltage Rise T ime Fall T ime Cross-over Time V DD = 80 V ID = 7 A V GS = 10 V R G = 4.7 Ω (Induct ive Load, see fig. 5) 7 8 16 ns ns ns SOURCE DRAIN DIODE Symbo l Parameter Test Con ditions ISD I SDM (•) Source-drain Current Source-drain Current (pulsed) V SD (∗) Forward On Voltage I SD = 8 A Reverse Recovery Time Reverse Recovery Charge Reverse Recovery Current I SD = 5 A di/dt = 100 A/µs T j = 150 o C V DD = 50 V (see test circuit, fig. 5) t rr Q rr I RRM Min. Typ. V GS = 0 Max. Unit 5 20 A A 1.5 V 75 ns 210 nC 5.5 A (∗) Pulsed: Pulse duration = 300 µs, duty cycle 1.5 % (•) Pulse width limited by safe operating area Safe Operating Area for Thermal Impedance 3/9