PD - 50056D GA150TS60U "HALF-BRIDGE" IGBT INT-A-PAK Ultra-FastTM Speed IGBT Features • Generation 4 IGBT technology • UltraFast: Optimized for high operating frequencies 8-40 kHz in hard switching, >200 kHz in resonant mode • Very low conduction and switching losses • HEXFRED™ antiparallel diodes with ultra- soft recovery • Industry standard package • UL approved VCES = 600V VCE(on) typ. = 1.7V @VGE = 15V, IC = 150A Benefits • Increased operating efficiency • Direct mounting to heatsink • Performance optimized for power conversion: UPS, SMPS, Welding • Lower EMI, requires less snubbing Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter VCES IC @ TC = 25°C ICM ILM IFM VGE VISOL PD @ TC = 25°C PD @ TC = 85°C TJ TSTG Collector-to-Emitter Voltage Continuous Collector Current Pulsed Collector CurrentQ Peak Switching CurrentR Peak Diode Forward Current Gate-to-Emitter Voltage RMS Isolation Voltage, Any Terminal To Case, t = 1 min Maximum Power Dissipation Maximum Power Dissipation Operating Junction Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range Max. Units 600 150 300 300 300 ±20 2500 440 230 -40 to +150 -40 to +125 V A V W °C Thermal / Mechanical Characteristics Parameter RθJC RθJC RθCS www.irf.com Thermal Resistance, Junction-to-Case - IGBT Thermal Resistance, Junction-to-Case - Diode Thermal Resistance, Case-to-Sink - Module Mounting Torque, Case-to-Heatsink S Mounting Torque, Case-to-Terminal 1, 2 & 3 T Weight of Module Typ. Max. — — 0.1 — — 200 0.28 0.35 — 6.0 5.0 — Units °C/W N. m g 1 05/20/02 GA150TS60U Electrical Characteristics @ TJ = 25°C (unless otherwise specified) V(BR)CES VCE(on) VGE(th) ∆VGE(th)/∆TJ gfe ICES VFM IGES Parameter Collector-to-Emitter Breakdown Voltage Collector-to-Emitter Voltage Min. Typ. Max. Units Conditions 600 — — VGE = 0V, IC = 1mA — 1.7 2.3 VGE = 15V, IC = 150A — 1.7 — V VGE = 15V, IC = 150A, TJ = 125°C Gate Threshold Voltage 3.0 — 6.0 IC = 750µA Temperature Coeff. of Threshold Voltage — -11 — mV/°C VCE = V GE, IC = 750µA Forward Transconductance T — 152 — S VCE = 25V, I C = 150A Collector-to-Emitter Leaking Current — — 1.0 mA VGE = 0V, VCE = 600V — — 10 VGE = 0V, VCE = 600V, TJ = 125°C Diode Forward Voltage - Maximum — 3.3 — V IF = 150A, VGE = 0V — 3.2 — IF = 150A, VGE = 0V, TJ = 125°C Gate-to-Emitter Leakage Current — — 250 nA VGE = ±20V Dynamic Characteristics - TJ = 125°C (unless otherwise specified) Qg Qge Qgc td(on) tr td(off) tf Eon Eoff (1) Ets (1) Cies Coes Cres trr Irr Qrr di(rec)M/dt 2 Parameter Total Gate Charge (turn-on) Gate - Emitter Charge (turn-on) Gate - Collector Charge (turn-on) Turn-On Delay Time Rise Time Turn-Off Delay Time Fall Time Turn-On Switching Energy Turn-Off Switching Energy Total Switching Energy Input Capacitance Output Capacitance Reverse Transfer Capacitance Diode Reverse Recovery Time Diode Peak ReverseCurrent Diode Recovery Charge Diode Peak Rate of Fall of Recovery During tb Min. — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Typ. 624 87 212 241 145 336 227 6.0 12 19 14000 860 180 172 113 9696 2000 Max. Units Conditions 937 VCC = 400V 130 nC IC = 94A 317 TJ = 25°C — RG1 = 27Ω, RG2 = 0Ω, — ns IC = 150A — VCC = 360V — VGE = ±15V — mJ — 33 — VGE = 0V — pF VCC = 30V — ƒ = 1 MHz — ns IC = 150A — A RG1 = 27Ω — nC RG2 = 0Ω — A/µs VCC = 360V di/dt =1300A/µs www.irf.com GA150TS60U 120 F o r b o th : D u ty c y c le : 5 0 % TJ = 1 2 5 ° C T sink = 9 0 ° C G a te d riv e a s s p e c ifie d LOAD CURRENT (A) 100 80 P o w e r D is s ip a tio n = 92 W S q u a re w a v e : 6 0 % o f ra te d v o lta g e 60 I 40 Id e a l d io d e s 20 0 0.1 1 10 100 f, Frequency (KHz) Fig. 1 - Typical Load Current vs. Frequency (Load Current = IRMS of fundamental) I C , Collector-to-Emitter Current (A) TJ = 25 o C TJ = 125 o C 100 V = 15V 20µs PULSE WIDTH GE 10 1 2 VCE , Collector-to-Emitter Voltage (V) Fig. 2 - Typical Output Characteristics www.irf.com 3 I C , Collector-to-Emitter Current (A) 1000 1000 TJ = 125 oC 100 TJ = 25 oC 10 V = 50V 5µs PULSE WIDTH 25V VCC CE = 25V 80µs PULSE WIDTH 1 5 6 7 8 9 VGE , Gate-to-Emitter Voltage (V) Fig. 3 - Typical Transfer Characteristics 3 GA150TS60U 3.0 V = 15V 80 us PULSE WIDTH GE VCE , Collector-to-Emitter Voltage(V) Maximum DC Collector Current(A) 160 120 80 40 0 25 50 75 100 125 I C = 300 A 2.0 I C = 150 A I C = 75 A 1.0 -60 -40 -20 150 TC , Case Temperature ( ° C) 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 TJ , Junction Temperature ( ° C) Fig. 4 - Maximum Collector Current vs. Case Temperature Fig. 5 - Typical Collector-to-Emitter Voltage vs. Junction Temperature Th erm a l Im p e d an ce - Z th J C 1 D = 0.5 0 0.1 0.20 0 .1 0 0 .05 0 .02 0 .0 1 PDM t 1 t2 S in g le P u ls e (Th e rm a l R e sis ta n c e ) Notes: 1. Duty factor D = t 1 /t 2 2. Peak TJ = PDM x Z thJC + T C 0.01 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 t 1 , R ec ta ng ular P u lse D u ra tio n (Se c o n d s) Fig. 6 - Maximum Effective Transient Thermal Impedance, Junction-to-Case 4 www.irf.com GA150TS60U VGE = 0V, f = 1MHz Cies = Cge + Cgc , Cce SHORTED Cres = Cgc Coes = Cce + Cgc C, Capacitance (pF) 20000 Cies 15000 10000 Coes Cres 5000 20 VGE , Gate-to-Emitter Voltage (V) 25000 0 1 10 12 8 4 0 100 0 100 Total Switching Losses (mJ) Total Switching Losses (mJ) 20 15 10 10 20 30 40 Gate Resistance Resistance (Ohm) (Ω) RRGG1, ,Gate Fig. 9 - Typical Switching Losses vs. Gate Resistance www.irf.com 200 300 400 500 600 700 Fig. 8 - Typical Gate Charge vs. Gate-to-Emitter Voltage V CC = 360V V GE = 15V °C 125°C TJ = 25 I C = 150A 0 100 QG , Total Gate Charge (nC) Fig. 7 - Typical Capacitance vs. Collector-to-Emitter Voltage 25 VCC = 400V I C = 94A 16 VCE , Collector-to-Emitter Voltage (V) 30 50 RG Ω;RG2 = 0 Ω = Ohm G1 =27 VGE = 15V VCC = 360V IC = 300 A IC = 150 A IC = 75 A 10 1 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 TJ , Junction Temperature ( ° C ) Fig. 10 - Typical Switching Losses vs. Junction Temperature 5 GA150TS60U 50 400 RG Ω;RG2 = 0 Ω = Ohm G1=27 Total Switching Losses (mJ) T J = 150 ° C VCC = 360V 40 VGE = 15V V G E = 20V T J = 125°C V C E m easured at term inal (Peak V oltage) 350 300 250 30 SAFE O PERATING AREA 200 20 150 100 10 50 A 0 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 VCE , Collector-to-Emitter Voltage (V) I C , Collector-to-emitter Current (A) Fig. 11 - Typical Switching Losses vs. Collector-to-Emitter Current Fig. 12 - Reverse Bias SOA 1000 16000 I F = 1 50 A I F = 75 A 12000 Q R R - (nC ) In sta n ta n e o u s F o rw a rd C u rre n t - I F (A ) I F = 3 00 A 100 T J = 125 °C T J = 25°C 8000 4000 VR = 3 6 0V TJ = 1 25 °C TJ = 2 5°C 10 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 F o rw a rd V o lta g e D ro p - V F M (V ) Fig. 13 - Typical Forward Voltage Drop vs. Instantaneous Forward Current 6 0 500 1000 1500 2000 di f /dt - (A /µs) Fig. 14 - Typical Stored Charge vs. dif/dt www.irf.com GA150TS60U 300 200 I F = 30 0A I F = 30 0A I F = 15 0A 160 I F = 75 A I F = 15 0A I F = 75 A t rr - (ns) I R R M - (A ) 200 120 80 100 40 VR = 3 6 0V TJ = 1 25 °C TJ = 2 5°C 0 500 VR = 3 6 0V T J = 1 25 °C T J = 2 5°C 1000 1500 2000 d i f /dt - (A /µs) Fig. 15 - Typical Reverse Recovery vs. dif/dt www.irf.com 0 500 1000 1500 2000 di f /dt - (A /µs) Fig. 16 - Typical Recovery Current vs. dif/dt 7 GA150TS60U 90% Vge +Vge Vce Ic 9 0 % Ic 10% Vce Ic 5 % Ic td (o ff) tf Eoff = ∫ t1 + 5 µ S V c e icIcd tdt Vce t1 Fig. 17 - Test Circuit for Measurement of ILM, Eon, Eoff(diode), trr, Qrr, Irr, td(on), tr, td(off), tf t1 t2 Fig. 18 - Test Waveforms for Circuit of Fig. 17, Defining Eoff, td(off), tf G A T E V O L T A G E D .U .T . 1 0 % +V g trr Q rr = Ic ∫ trr id t Icddt tx +Vg tx 10% Vcc 1 0 % Irr V cc D UT VO LTAG E AN D CU RRE NT Vce V pk Irr Vcc 1 0 % Ic Ip k 9 0 % Ic Ic D IO D E R E C O V E R Y W A V E FO R M S tr td (o n ) 5% Vce t1 ∫ t2 ce ieIcd t dt E o n = VVce t1 t2 E re c = D IO D E R E V E R S E REC OVERY ENER GY t3 Fig. 19 - Test Waveforms for Circuit of Fig. 17, Defining Eon, td(on), tr 8 ∫ t4 VVd d idIc d t dt t3 t4 Fig. 20 - Test Waveforms for Circuit of Fig. 17, Defining Erec, trr, Qrr, Irr www.irf.com GA150TS60U V g G A T E S IG N A L D E V IC E U N D E R T E S T C U R R E N T D .U .T . V O L T A G E IN D .U .T . C U R R E N T IN D 1 t0 t1 t2 Figure 21. Macro Waveforms for Figure 17's Test Circuit RL= 480V 4 X IC @25°C 0 - 480V Figure 22. Pulsed Collector Current Test Circuit www.irf.com 9 GA150TS60U Notes: Q Repetitive rating; VGE = 20V, pulse width limited by max. junction temperature. R See fig. 17 S For screws M6. T For screws M5. U Pulse width 50µs; single shot. Case Outline — INT-A-PAK 94.70 93.70 80.30 79.70 3.689] [3.728 NOTES : 1. ALL DIMENS IONS ARE S HOWN IN MILLIMET ERS [INCHES ]. 2. CONTROL LING DIMENS ION: MILLIMETER. [ ] 3.161 3.138 2X 23.50 22.50 .886] [.925 4.50 3.50 11 10 34.70 33.70 .138] [.177 6 7 1.327] [1.366 17.50 16.50 1 2 8 9 5 4 3X M5 8 [.314] MAX. 42.00 41.00 0.15 [.0059] CONVEX 92.10 91.10 3.587] [3.626 .650] [.689 3 1.614] [1.654 6.80 2X Ø 6.20 8.00 6.60 .260] [.315 24.00 23.00 .906] [.945 .244] [.267 4X FAST ON TAB (110) 2.8 x 0.5 [.110 x .020] 30.50 29.00 8.65 7.65 1.142 ] [1.201 2X 13.30 12.70 .301 ] [.341 32.00 31.00 .500] [.524 [ ] 1.260 1.220 Data and specifications subject to change without notice. This product has been designed and qualified for the Industrial market. Qualification Standards can be found on IR’s Web site. IR WORLD HEADQUARTERS: 233 Kansas St., El Segundo, California 90245, USA Tel: (310) 252-7105 TAC Fax: (310) 252-7903 Visit us at www.irf.com for sales contact information.05/02 10 www.irf.com This datasheet has been download from: www.datasheetcatalog.com Datasheets for electronics components.